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10 Day Holiday

Your Guide to Take a Break from Alcohol

A free guided email journey to take a vacation from drinking

The 10 Day Holiday is ten days of rest and relaxation from alcohol.
Think of it as an alcohol vacation. Spring break for your health.  

Who it's for:
  • You know you need a break but you're not ready to quit forever.  
  • You've tried “Dry January” but can’t seem to make it through the first few days. 

  • You need more tools for dealing with common triggers like cravings, stress, anxiety, and socializing. 

  • You want to enjoy your break from alcohol. 

  • You need daily accountability to stay on track. 

How it works: 
  • For ten days you will receive a daily email from Alcohol Tipping Point
  • You’ll learn how to battle cravings, change your thoughts about drinking, and have fun without alcohol. 
  • Better yet- you can apply what you learn to all areas of your life! 


What can you gain from taking a break? Well, just to name a few... 

  • Weight loss- Seriously, those mimosas and beers add up! One night of heavy drinking can be as many as 600 calories not to mention all the munchies that go along with drinking. 

  • Money- Have you added up how much you are spending on alcohol? You could easily save $ just going 10 days without drinking. 

  • Better sleep- There is no doubt drinking severely impacts your sleep. You'll learn why and how you can improve your sleep.

  • Focus- You'll have a clear head not just at night but the next day too.   

  • Increased energy- Since your sleep is zapped from alcohol, you’ll notice so much more energy hangover free. 

What are you waiting for? Pack your bags and get ready!

Sign up here (it's FREE)!

10 Day Holiday

Bon Voyage!

Watch for your first email shortly. 

(If you don’t see it, check your Spam or “Promotions” folder and be sure to add us to your contacts for future messages.) 

Next step: Invite a friend to join you! Vacations are always better with friends.

Important: The 10 Day Holiday is not intended for individuals with a physical dependence on alcohol.


The 10 Day Holiday contains medical, psychological, and physiological information relating to alcohol and addiction. This program is primarily intended for individuals with a psychological or emotional dependence to alcohol. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical or psychological treatment or evaluation. It is strongly recommended that you seek professional advice regarding your health before attempting to incorporate any advice enclosed into your life, especially if you have reached a point of physical dependence on alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms due to a physical dependence on alcohol have the potential to be severe, and in some cases life-threatening. Those who seek to abstain entirely from alcohol beverages should consult first with a qualified health care professional. 

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© 2025 by Alcohol Tipping Point

The information shared through our website, emails, products and services is for informational and educational purposes only. It may not be the best fit for you or your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice, nor as a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. 

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